July 7, 2020
U.S. CBP Issues Interim Final Rule on USMCA Rules of Origin

U.S. Customs and Border Protection published an Interim Final Rule to implement Rules of Origin provisions for the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement that came into force on July 1.
The interim rule creates Part 182 to the customs regulations for the new trade deal and amends the NAFTA regulations under 19 CFR Part 181 so they no longer apply to entries on or after July 1.
The majority of the regulations included in the interim final rule are found in Appendix A to 19 CFR Part 182, which reproduces the Rules of Origin provisions of the Uniform Regulations agreed upon by the U.S., Mexico, and Canada and released last month.
This appendix contains the uniform regulations for the interpretation, application, and administration of the Rules of Origin of Chapter 4 of USMCA and the Rules of Origin of Chapter 6 of USMCA related to textiles and apparel goods.
Currently, most of the sections of 19 CFR Part 182 include a title only and are reserved for future regulatory text.
CBP says it expects to publish additional regulations over the course of the next year and be finalized by July 1, 2021.