June 23, 2020
New CUSMA Tariff Preferential Levels

Global Affairs Canada has issued notices to importers and exporters setting out the administration of Tariff Preferential Levels (TPLs) under CUSMA. TPLs are the preferential tariff treatment granted to specified quantities of certain yarns, fabrics, apparel, and textile articles that do not meet the CUSMA rules of origin.
For Exports from Canada:
- Serial No. 995: Wool and Cotton or Man-Made Fibre Apparel Goods for Export to the United States under CUSMA
- Serial No. 996: Cotton or Man-Made Fibre Fabric and Made-Up Goods for Export to the United States under CUSMA
- Serial No. 997: Cotton or Man-Made Fibre Spun Yarn for Export to the United States under CUSMA
- Serial No. 998: Wool and Cotton or Man-Made Fibre Apparel Goods, Cotton or Man-Made Fibre Fabrics and Made-Up Goods, and Cotton or Man-Made Fibre Spun Yarn to Mexico under CUSMA
For Imports to Canada:
- Serial No. 1000: Wool and Cotton or Man-Made Fibre Apparel Goods, Cotton or Man-Made Fibre Fabrics and Made-Up Goods, and Cotton or Man-Made Fibre Spun Yarn from the United States and Mexico under CUSMA
The TPL year normally runs from January 1 to December 31 inclusive, but with CUSMA entering into force mid-year, it will cover the period from July 1 to December 31, 2020.