May 22, 2020
CBSA Revised Final Safeguard Surtax Rates to Heavy Plate, Stainless Steel Wire

Canada Border Services Agency introduced Final Safeguard Measures in connection with the Order Amending the Order Imposing a Surtax on the Importation of Certain Steel Goods (Exclusions), as well as on the Surtax on the Importation of Certain Steel Goods Remission Order (Surtax Remission Order), which came into effect on August 23, 2019.
Customs Notice 19-08 provides instructions, exemptions, and a schedule of rates with respect to the heavy plate and stainless-steel wire covered by these orders.
The Surtax rates will be reduced during the scheduled period on imported goods absent a specific permit, or once imports of the goods exceed the applicable Global Affairs Canada tariff rate quota.