COVID-19: Tariff Classification and Other Information to Import Medical Supplies

medical mask

In light of COVID-19, CBSA has issued Custom Notice CN20-12 providing guidelines to the commercial importing industry on tariff classifications for medical supplies.

Click here to read Customs Notice 20-12.

Provided by the World Customs Organization, the list of medical supplies for COVID-19 based on tariff classification includes diagnostic test kits, face and eye protection, gloves, protective garments and the like, disinfectants/sterilization products, medical devices, thermometers, wipes, medical consumables, soap, toilet paper, and other toiletries.

Medical supplies required for COVID-19 may qualify for duty and tax relief upon importation. For further information, please review Customs Notice 20-08.

CBSA requests that importers also add the term “URGENT – COVID-19” as the goods description in release information submitted to the CBSA for all medical devices being imported to Canada for COVID-19.

For guidance around tariff classification for medical supplies, please do not hesitate to reach out to Carson.

Get in touch:

Tyler Carson, President,
Dave Pentland, VP,
Matt Earish, COO,